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Showing posts from July, 2019

GenCOn 2019 Preparation: Part 1 - Goal Setting and the Plan

It has been a long time since I blogged for L5R.  Truth be told, it has been a long time since I took L5R seriously.  I top 8'd an Elemental Championship in Springfield a month or two ago, but other than that, I've been pretty radio silent. It's frustrating to not get new cards for an extend period of time, and when there is a lull in competitive tournaments on top of that, it's hard to justify spending time testing and practicing.  But that changes now . Not only do we have a new pack of cards in Bonds of Blood, but there's also this little tournament called GenCon coming up. A new meta + a major tournament is right about the time that I come out of the woodwork and get to work. The Goals Before any plan is successful, you have to know what you want the plan to accomplish.  So what are my goals for Gencon? Normally, I'd tell you my only goal is to win the tournament.  I'd go on some diatribe about how I would never walk into any single match planni...